Frequently Asked Questions
Ans: Sri-Vidya is a sadhana of deletion (Reversal process “Malfunction Mantra”). Wherever we are, we just have to delete everything. It means leave everything (by mind) and when everything is left, the “Param-Shunya”, remains. Param Shunya means “The stillness” which is beyond experience by our physical senses. Shunya does not have its own existence, but it exists as a background consciousness to everything and It is beyond existence. Sri-Vidya is a Sadhana of “Shunya- The Nothingness”.
Ans: Initiation or Deeksha is a spiritual process where an enlightened master triggers the awakening of inner potential … Siddha Guru Atmananda ji Initiates Sadhaks through Shaktipat diksha, Pranpat Diksha and Shivpat diksha.
Shaktipat Diksha – In this style of initiation The kundalini shakti dormant in the Mooladhara is awakened and the as the sadhak continues doing his sadhanas, the kundalini shakti will rise up and will burn all the negative qualities in the sadhak therby purifying and expanding his consciousness…
Pranapat Diksha – Pranapat Diksha is one of the most powerful and rare diksha style practised by only very few advanced siddha sampradayas… The ancient tradition of Raja Yoga is of 8 limbs – Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi. But in Pranapat Diksha By Guru atmanada ji pure grace and unconditional love towards Community Humanity He is sharing a part of prana or life force energy due to which sadhak instead of practicing and experiencing all the 8 limbs of yoga can directly experience the Samadhi like state whenever he feels like connecting with the higher self. Thus fastening the inner spiritual growth a million fold.
Shivpat diksha:- Is the most powerful and rarest Diksha which a sadhak can be blessed with. This Initiation is Only given by Great siddhas of Himalayas who are inaccessible to normal people.
In this Intitiation Guruji will merge sadhaks Kundalini or enery channel to his energy channel, since the upward flow of kundalini in Supramental masters is very powerful it will forcefully pull the kundalini shakti of sadhaks upwards and will stop the chitti shakti (which has a tendency to move down wards ) from falling back to mooladhara. This is so powerful that after the initiatation sadhak can experience the state of continues awareness and stillness within 24×7.
Ans. Siddha means perfect and Sanmarga means righteous path. “Siddha Sanmarga” means the perfect righteous path. Only that path can be called as ‘Sanmarga’, which is not based on static and rigid thinking, but is out of free and honest thinking, conviction, and benediction to lead a person to complete or total liberation of his mind. When complete or total liberation of mind is the goal, the age-old methods, dogmas, rules, and religious practices; which most of us have been following, have to be discarded at once as freedom alone can lead to freedom; but not rigid conditioning of mind to total freedom of mind. That being said, Siddha Sanmarga Satya Sangam® is not a religious organization or a cult, but a congregation of souls who are working for complete or total liberation of their mind. So it is a no path’s path. It encourages and tries to inculcate free and honest thinking in its people there by making it easy for them to lead a life of clarity and conviction than that of confusion.
As the great saying goes, “Prajnanam Brahma”, the true inner infinite potential or the supreme wisdom present within in each one of us is the Brahma. When the supreme wisdom is already present within us, why do we trouble ourselves in acquiring so much information in the name of Jnana. We simply acquire information in the name of jnana and do not even know how to convert information into knowledge and thereby into wisdom, but do certainly confuse information for wisdom and feel contented or misguided thus falling prey to ego. So, Siddha Sanmarga® emphasizes that true spirituality is a process of unlearning of psychic conditioning and information burden in our system, then to add more. This is precisely why Siddha Sanmarga® is easy to follow as it does not encourage its people in endless hours of listening to someone else’s wisdom, but to rely on “experience”. It advocates that the only way to attain perfect peace is through experience, but not mugging up useless pieces of information from various books. Siddha Sanmarga Dhyan™ does definitely give you that inexplicable experience of inner joy and truth from its very first meditation itself, when done under the able guidance of guru Atmanand Ji (though this is hard to believe – you better experience yourself to vouch for it.)
Siddha Sanmarga Dhyan guides us towards spiritual progress and enables us to achieve and shape up all material and spiritual desires and finally achieve a state of “Desire-less Desire”. Siddha Sanmarga® unfolds the Inner Infinite Potential that resides within oneself. This is not a technique; it’s a way of life.
Whatever happens in our life, the happiness or sorrow that we experience are a result of our past Karmas accumulated over our innumerable births. These stored Karmas are a reason for our unhappiness, failures, diseases, scarcity, poor relationship, mental stress and trauma etc. The Siddha Gurus have revealed that we have the potential of dissolving our past stored Karmas by invoking the Divine Cosmic Energy – Datta Jyothi & Shiva Jyothi. The Divine Energy releases our past negative Karmas and brings unlimited happiness, peace, prosperity, abundance and health in our lives. However, none of the shastras reveal the ways and means to activate these powers. They were kept secret and only transferred from master to worthy disciple through shaktipath.
Generally, it is said that only Guru can unlock the door that leads to GOD. Fortunately, with the divine grace of Lord Sreepada Sreevallabha, Guru Atmananda ji does ‘Shaktipath (giving the spark of the soul), Pranapath (linking the breath of the master with that of the student), and Shivpath (linking the master’s kundalini with that of the student)’ in Siddha Sanmarga Healing & Dhyan Shivir, which connects us to our very own inner infinite potential, which we have lost connection with, and we are blessed with the powers to invoke the Divine Cosmic Energy to rain on us.
Through SiddhaSanmarga Meditation & Healing – the Himalayan way, we are not only Connected to ‘the highest divine healing energies known to man till date but also to what the greatest Guru “Sri Ramalinga Swamigal” called “Grace Light, An initiate will experience continuous and constant flow of a beautiful light called the “Grace Light”, which has the divine alchemical properties. By invoking these energies, our body starts vibrating at a very high level, thereby throwing out problems and disease‑causing negative energy. Chakra cleansing is immediate, and we feel light, clear, and joyous almost instantaneously. Every student can experience the heaven gates pour down the cosmic light as a rain just by his mere wish. Thus with the burning of our Karmas, cleansing of Chakras, and energizing nerve plexus (nadis), we start materializing what we want in life.
Going after your desires/goals is not always as easy as it sounds, but the rewards of obtaining what your heart desires are priceless. We all in this world are working towards our goals. The goals are set by the mind and we happen to develop a lot of stress by straining our mind in the process of goal manifestation. If we increase the energy level of the mind and let this energy work towards our goal, we would never have stress in our lives. Siddha Sanmarga by using secret Himalayan methods enables you change your basic level of energy and work towards holistic and harmonious mind by its goal-oriented meditation.
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A man is what his mind is. Every time the mind changes, the man too changes. What we call as our self is what our mind thinks, feels, and perceives. Our mind is the collection of the series of memories, influences, and conditions that we put in. True Self is eternal and is the same for everybody. It is the underlying universality, which also is the basis for individuality.
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When your mind connects or associates more to the outside world, it makes you a follower. While connecting to your own True Self will make you a leader.
It is in the basic human nature to love one’s own self unconditionally. Only those can truly know the meaning of love who really feel their love towards their own True self. But the world around has taught us to be connected to our surroundings like situations, family, community, religion, etc. What is the point in being connected to everything around, but not with your own True Self, which is the ultimate Supreme GOD.
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By practising the ‘I AM Mediation’ with discipline and dedication, one can experience many benefits. Of all the benefits you may get, the most important one is the peace and tranquillity even in challenging circumstances. It makes you explore the true inner infinite potential lying dormant within you. It brings in the “change” in your habits, thoughts, and emotions very easily and naturally directing you towards your real growth and evolution. It makes you experience higher levels of emotional and intuitive intelligences. Happy exploring the leader within you!!!
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They both are same. I AM is the Aham or the True Self of the individual existence.
The pulsation of I AM within human consciousness is considered as the first and last expression of its existence. It is also the only continuous pulsation that maintains the human consciousness. The natural pulsations of Soham and Hamsa form the basis for the existential human consciousness. Soham means I AM THAT and Hamsa means THAT is I AM.
It is the fundamental expression of Atman or the one’s own soul. This pulsation starts with I AM and ends with I AM THAT, only to come back as THAT I AM; it is an evolution of pulsation. The entire universe is nothing but just a pulsation.
Almost all the religions of the world strongly affirm the importance of I AM.
For example: In Sanathana Dharma, the Mahāvākya like Aham Brahmasmi, Tat Tvam Asi, Ayam atma brahma, and many more like them convey the importance of Atman/True Self or the I AM pulsations.
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM (Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh). This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.” — (Exodus 3:14)
“I AM the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.” – Isaiah 42:8
God’s name “I AM” is the key to understanding his name Yahweh or Jehovah. People thought that if you pronounced God’s name properly, you could do miracles – so they stopped saying it out loud and forgot how to. But the importance is not how to pronounce it – it is what it means. And I AM is the key.
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