Supramental Meditation

The ultimate form of Srividya is to be able to invoke the “Parajyothi” and to trace back to original roots of divinity.
“Supramental meditation method, which aims at achieving synergistic quantum coherence between the five primordial elements of a human being. The five primordial elements within us, namely the space, air, fire, water, and earth; are governed by Law of periodicity, Law of pulsation, and Law of communication.
By the power and effectiveness of these laws, all these primordial elements are in dualistic states called static and dynamic. We can basically understand it as “Tanmatra” and “Mahabhoota” forms. The Mahabhoota form is sthoola (static) and the Tanmatra form is sookshma (dynamic). These primordial elements in their sookshma or dynamic form vibrate and give rise to their respective static forms. The space controls our consciousness, air controls our prana, water controls our emotions, fire controls our intellect, and earth controls our stability or action principle. When these five elements take a static form, by the influence of various factors, they loose the quantum coherence between them and thereby create problems or diseases in our lives.
An ideal human being is supposed to have a harmonious congruous alignment between his conscience, thoughts, and emotions for achieving a sense of holistic wellbeing. Our space, air, and water elements govern our conscience, thoughts, and emotions respectively. So, it is clear that until otherwise we achieve a synergistic quantum coherence between these elements, we cannot understand holistic wellbeing. Supramental meditation taught in Siddha Sanmarga helps you in exactly achieving this within yourself.
Did you ever wonder why only few people are smart enough in the world? Did you wonder why only few people can think creatively and why there are only few geniuses in the world? Do you know that only a small percentage of our brain is used when we think? Did you ever wonder why some people can’t do things that others easily can?
Well, that is because our brain development is based on the experiences that we gather during our lifetime. Our brains are very dynamic and change for the better or for worse throughout the individual’s life. The emotional traumas or mental conditioning that we encounter in our life can alter the very structure or connections in our brain and they by-dictate our ability to function. In simple words, our brain is no different than the rest of the muscles in our body. The more we use it, the more it grows. Genius is the result of perfectly developed “brain” coupled with a perfectly-developed mind. It is well noted by scientists that most people are limited by their neuromechanics. We have to realize the truth in the words of Pablo Picasso, “Every child is an artist.
The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” Every one of us is born with almost infinite capabilities, but our neurophysiology and neuromechanics are heavily damaged because of the extensive psychic conditioning and various experiences that we go through. Our nervous pathways of cognition are heavily compromised by our “normal behaviors” and “general notions” that we carry. Because of this, our cognitive system is analyzing our new experiential data of meditation in such a way that it fits its old notions and thereby no matter what, our state of consciousness is forced to be limited. In order to elevate our level of consciousness, one of the important things that we should do is to eliminate our old dogmatic cognitive pathways in the brain and our brain is actually so very much plastic that it can adopt itself to so many new ways of cognitive pathways.
In a simple metaphor, our brain is like the hardware of a computer and our mind is like the software. The software is built for the hardware and vice versa. For effective functioning, it is not enough if we upgrade the software called mind, through various yogic practices and meditations, but we also need to upgrade the hardware called brain. After all, the most advanced software too proves ineffective on a poor hardware.
Out brain is made up of cells called neurons. At birth, each neuron in the cerebral cortex has approximately 2,500 synapses (connections). But, by the time an infant is two or three years old, the number of synapses is approximately 15,000 synapses per neuron, and this is exactly the reason why we can learn so much during our childhood. As we age, old connections are deleted through a process called synaptic pruning and if new connections are not formed, i.e. if the brain is not upgraded, we end up with limited brain function.
SriVidya, from time immemorial, is considered as the best of the best and most exhaustive of sadhanas in order to develop both the brain and mind and aligning our mind with the soul. If just gazing at the Bindu of the SriChakra in a specific yogic way can induce great changes in corpus callosum of brain, just imagine the positive benefits one can have by learning and doing the advanced secrets of SriVidya.
This long-forgotten ancient sadhana of SriVidya, which is capable to positively increase neuroplasticity (ability of the brain to change, for better or for worse, throughout the individual’s life span), spatial cognition, and cognitive modifiability is what Siddha Guru Atmananda calls as Dynamic Cosmic Intelligence. Now this ancient srividhya sadhana shivir is happening at Shiridi, come and learn the secrets of advanced srividya techniques and experience the grace of SiddhaGuru AtmanandaJi & Srividya sadana.
Science Behind
Our brain is made up of cells called neurons. At birth, each neuron in the cerebral cortex has approximately 2,500 synapses (connections). But, by the time an infant is two or three years old, the number of synapses increases approximately to 15,000 synapses per neuron, and this is exactly the reason why our learning and grasping capabilities are at peak during our childhood. As we age, old connections are deleted through a process called synaptic pruning, and if new connections are not formed, i.e. if the brain is not upgraded, we end up with limited-brain functioning. It is estimated by general research that by the time an average child reaches the age of 17, he will be left only with 8000 to 10,000 synapses per neuron (a marked decrease of 33% to 46%).
It is well noted by scientists that most people are limited by their neuromechanics.
Every child is born with almost infinite capabilities, but our neurophysiology and neuromechanics are heavily damaged because of the extensive psychic conditioning and various experiences that we go through. Our nervous pathways of cognition are heavily compromised by our “normal behaviors” and “general notions” that we carry. Because of this, our cognitive system analyses our new experiential data in such a way that it fits its old notions and thereby no matter what, our state of consciousness/thinking is forced to be limited. In order to elevate our level of consciousness, one of the important thing that we should do is to eliminate our old dogmatic cognitive pathways in the brain, and our brain is actually so very much flexible that it can adopt itself to so many new cognitive pathways.
In a simple metaphor, our brain is like the hardware of a computer and our mind is like the software.
The software is built for the hardware and vice versa. For functioning, it is not enough if we upgrade the software called mind, but we also need to upgrade the hardware called brain. After all, the most advanced software too proves ineffective on a poor hardware.
Because of the increase in limiting the cognitive pathways and the decrease in the number of synapses, we develop something called heuristics (cognitive shortcuts) and these become the reason for the rigidness of the mind and thereby increase dullness, low self esteem, and monotony. These heuristics are main reason why most teenagers have irritative or volatile behaviours according to the behavioural therapists.