Sanmarga Srividya

The ultimate form of Srividya is to be able to invoke the “Parajyothi” and to trace back to original roots of divinity.
Sanatana Dharma has always believed that the world began from the god in the form of zero. Param Shunya was always synonymous with Nirakar Parabrahman. In fact, all of the greatest of the great Siddhas always contemplated only on Nirakar Parabrahman as SriVidya Sadhana. The science could not explain how this existence came into existence. Yet it has proved that the world is continuously expanding. If it is expanding continuously, then it should have been started from a point or zero. The science has also believed this with Big Bang Theory. The science has always been at loss to explain how did something came out of nowhere. Our Sanatana Dharma has always explained this through Yoga or as the Brahma Vidya called SriVidya.
Einstein believed that there is always another antiparticle to some particle. He expounded that when antiparticle and particle mix together, then there will be nothing and when one will consume the other, the whole thing dissolutes into zero or nothing. This thought came out of the sacred texts of Hinduism where it is said through ages that “everything is created from him, by him, and will eventually merge back into to him. It is he alone, who takes up the three roles of construction, destruction, and dissolution of this universe. How this exactly happens is well known only to the true sadhaks of SriVidya.
Something out of nothing can only come with the power of yoga. Our entire Vedantic Darshana systems have expounded about this in detail. The entire Sankhya Darshana was dedicated in explaining this. The literal meaning of yoga is to mix something together or addition. With the power of yoga, Shiva created the whole universe out of nothing and this can be explained by the extract of Bhagwan Kapil Maharshi expounded Sankhya Darshana.
0 = 5 – 5
0 = (5) + (-5)
0 = (3 + 2) + [-(8 – 3)]
0 = (9 – 6 + 4 – 2) + [-(5 + 3 – 5 + 2)]
= ………… and so on (This is addition or Yoga)
Yoga is not the exercise. Some say the literal meaning of yoga means samyoga (addition) of the bhrama padarda and some say yoga in a yogi’s point of view is to know the path that can “create” anything out of his own “inner empty space”. The Rishis of the older times have developed the science by which anyone can increase the power of yoga within oneself and thereby creating and destroying whatever they wanted.
Actually, yoga is a state of being. That is the reason why the guru of all gurus “lord Krishna” mentioned “yogastha kuru karmani.” The true meaning of yoga can actually be understood by this. He meant or if literal translation is to be taken “do actions in the state of yoga”. Now what is this “state of yoga”? The samyoga is the addition of the particles and viyoga is the division of particles, but the state of yoga is a state where is total or absolute stillness, i.e. a state where there is no addition or division of the particle consciousness within us.
Science Behind
Sri vidya:- is a program where these ancient secrets of the great wisdom called Sri Vidya or absolute stillness are shared for the first time to sadhaks. Hexagonal Sri-Vidya is also called Sri-Shambhava Sri-Vidya Sadhana-“The Sadhana of Seven Shambhava Dham”, as we know that Sri chakra is multidimensional. So this hexagon sadhana is a sadhana of followings:-
- It is a sadhana of complete Sri-Chakra.
- Sadhana of “Bindu Chakra”.
- The Dimensions (Shakti) in the Bindu Chakra.
- The Dimensions above the Bindu.
- The Sadhana of Seven Shambhava Dham, we think that our seven chakras resides in our Pran-Maya Kosha, Siddha Sanmarga wants you to Experience the Real Seven Chakras, which Exists in these Seven Shambhava, The seven chakaras of Prana-Maya Kosha are the Mirror Reflection of these Seven Chakrs of our Soul Star. During the dhyan sadhana these higher dimensional real seven chakras will be awakened and experienced. These seven chakras have different dimensions , Shaktis & beej mantras.
- All the Dimensions beyond the Bindu Chakra, because Lalita-Tripura Sundri resides in Sri-Chakra, above the Sri-Chakra & Lalita Tripurasundri is beyond the Sri-Chakra also.