Sanmarga Treasure

Supramental Healing CDs and Yantra
All Sanmarga Supramental Cds and Yantra contains the consciousness of Siddha Guru Atmanandaji locked in it using ancient Lumerian crystal, So treat these Cds and Yantra with Utmost respect and never copy or rip the cds as the they will loose their healing power once ripped or copied.
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Perun Jyoti
Arutprakasa Vallalar Chidambaram Ramalingam is one of the most-important torch bearers of the Supra-mental Consciousness. He belonged to the lineage of Jnana Siddhars. He did not die or take mahasamadhi, instead he “disappeared” before countless eyewitness during the 19 century. His physical body too was converted in pure light by the force of his intense penance. His most valuable gift to the sadhaks of the Supra-mental path is the mantra:
“Aruth Perun Jothi Aruth Perun Jothi
Thani Perun Karunai Aruth Perun Jothi”
Which means, “Oh! Supreme Grace of Light, Oh! Supreme Grace of Light, You are the Supreme Compassion, Oh! Supreme Grace of Light”
This Aruth Perun Jyothi is the divine grace light of paratapar-linga and is an alchemical light. The healing power of this light is immeasurable and has the ability to dissolve the strongest of the strong karmas.This healing CD has the chant of that divine mantra recorded as a spontaneous rendition from Siddha Guru Atmananda Ji.
Shiv Panchakshari
This healing CD is actually a spontaneous rendition bySiddha Guru
Atmananda Ji, with chants of the great SivaPanchakshari Mantra
coupled with other Beej Askharas, in a particular Siva Nayanar style, to eliminate the negative influences of our past lives.
According to the Siva Nayanar tradition, there are more than 1,85,00000 styles to chant the most potent Siva Panchakshari.
This rendition is in one of those styles, and is so potent that it causes instant release of ones past life karma in such a huge way that the sadhak feels so light as if he has lost a lot of mass.
One has to have an experience of this, to experience this divine grace and release of karmic debris, to know what is a powerful healing.
This CD contains the King of all mantras and will make you experience grace of goddess Tripura Sundari with alive and active Panchadashi Maha Mantra.
Kundalini Sanket Vidya
In this CD the ancient secret of the gret wisdom called Srividya or absolute stillness are shared for the first time to sadhaks. Hexagonal Srividya is also called Sri Shambhava Srividya Sadhana. ” The Sadhana of Seven Shambhava Dham”, as we know that Sri Chakra is multidimensional.
The Sadhana of seven Shambhava Dham
We think that our seven chakras reside in our Prana-Maya Kosha, Siddha Sanmarga wants you to experience the real seven chakras, which exists in these seven Shambhava, the seven chakras of Prana-Maya Kosha are the mirror reflection of these chakras of our Soul star. During the dhyan sadhana these higher dimensional real seven chakras will be awakened and experienced. These seven chakras have different dimensions, Shaktis and Beej mantras.
Siddha Guru Atmananda Ji says, though it appears as if man is a speck in the universe, in reality, man is the entire universe in a speck. This is the result of the man’s unconscious choice to disassociate with his origin and identify himself with his mental limitations and weaknesses, as we are only aware of the limited form of our own existence
This meditation CD, as a part of Inner Engineering seris, is rendered by Siddha Guru Atmananda Ji, by invoking various cosmic forces to awaken the “I AM” pulsating within the entire creation and in the self.
This meditation CD gives a deep and lasting meditative experience on the sadhak and it not only helps in spiritual upliftment, but also in emotional and mental upliftment.
An experience of superlative bliss and a surge in self confidence and self conviction is certain with this divine meditation CD.
Bhagawan Sri Dattatreya’s Kaliyuga’s first incarnation is SreePada SriVallabha. His place of birth is Pithapuram in AP. His work and greatness is described in Guru Charitra, in its chapters no. 5 to 10. He is the foremost guru for all the lineages of the Sanathana Dharma.
This CD contains the most-potent and most-alive mantras in praise of the great guru SreePada SriVallabha. A person, who is fortunate enough to hear these mantras devotedly will certainly experience the calmness and spiritual upliftment in his life, which will be a great experience of it’s kind.
If any devotee wants to achieve higher spiritual goal as well as to get rid of various problems and difficulties in their lives, they have to meditate on this SreePada SriVallabha Siddha Mangala Stotram. This Stotram is the single-most potent way to get the best out of our lives.
Come….let us all get drenched in the grace of the greatest guru SreePada SriVallabha, by devotedly listening to the SreePada SriVallabha Siddha Mangala Stotram and also by always putting our best foot forward in our lives.
Gayatri Maha Vidya
The Gayatri mantra is a highly revered mantra of the Vedic tradition. This most sacred mantra is not only a means of worship but also is a deity of worship. So, from the time immemorial ancient Vedic seers have held this with utmost respect. Ghanapatam is a special and most complex style of Vedic recitation that not only helps as a mnemonic, but is used to potentiate the mantras.
This CD is a rendition of that divine mantra by Siddha Guru Atmananda ji in Ghanapatam style coupled with the secret and sacred-most Panchadashi mantra for for the awakening of the various nerve centres or Chakras to facilitate both material and spiritual growth for the sadhaks of SriVidya.
This meditation CD, as a part of the Inner Engineering series, also has the secrets of hexagonal form of SriVidya as it is considered best both for Bhukthi and Mukthi.
Consciousness can only be strengthened by working upon the
emotion-oriented heart and thought-oriented mind and brain, to make them work in synthesis. The key to this synthesis lies in the throat centre and it plays a major role in establishing a coherence between the heart and mind.
This meditation CD contains the rendition of the divine Sri Suktham, Durga Suktham, and the Siddha Kunjika Stroram in the most potent and activated form. Guru Ji Says, Sri Suktham has 15 verses and each verse is given in connection to the phases of the moon, which are known to have relation to our mind. Durga Suktham has 7 verses and is given in connection to our 7 planes of consciousness, to purify it and to expand the horizons of our perception.
Guru Ji says, Sri Suktham and Druga Suktham when chanted while invoking the cosmic forces, such as the “Straight-Angle forces” and the “Mystic Parallel forces” are bound to awaken the throat chakra and
balance the heart and mind. On the background of this awakening, true meaning of “WEALTH” in life can be established when we couple it with the “Action forces” and Siddha Kunjika Strotram.
This meditation CD, Sriyam, is a part of the Inner Engineering series to awaken the divine intelligence laying dormant in man.
One of the most respected and ancient-most hierarchies of the
sanathana dharma is the Natha Sampradaya. The sadhana path of the White Lotus was one of the most revered and guarded gifts of this divine clan. From time immemorial, the secrets of White Lotus sadhana were transferred from Guru to shishya in the form of transmission. They were never or ever will be divulged though speech or text.
The transmission process is initiated and carried out through specific sounds, which do not have specific words to it and those sounds have a very significant potency to activate and nurture the latent humongous potential already present in the sadhak.
This meditative CD, NathaPriya, as a part of Inner Engineering series, is an effort put forth by Siddha Guru Atmananda Ji to help awaken the humongous potential lying dormant within us, by unlearning the
unproductive and superfluous heuristics and cognitive biases present in human nature.
Great neuroplastic changes have been documented on many scientific studies, with regular practice of this sadhana.
Return to Innocence
Emotional maturity plays a vital role in the quality of our lives. We, knowingly or unknowingly stores so many negative emotions in the deeper layers of our hearts. These negative emotions create a seemingly-unfillable void in our hearts, which creates a distaste within us to the very things we once liked.
It is not our past which is holding on to us, but instead, we are holding on to our past-negative emotions.
This CD contains initiated mantras, due to which, a very powerful form of healing is experienced to cleanse deep-rooted negative emotions and achieve a blissful heart.
Listening to silence
The wise know that, “the whole wide world surrenders itself to a silent mind”.
A silent mind is the source of all creativity, abundance, and inner power.
The chatters of the mind bog our mind and lead us to limitations. The chatter of our mind is picked up from the world, and it does not belong to us. It is for us to decide whether to clean the mirror of the mind, out of this chatter to see the clarity in our lives or to succumb to it.
This CD contains initiated mantras to clear the chatter of our mind, which helps us to achieve a ‘Still Mind’, as silence is the source of great strength.
Magic of Hreem
Experience the divine dance-of-bliss while meditating with this CD. The Dance Of Chitti and The Magic of Hreem establishes the synergy between one’s mind and heart, to experience the continuous evolution towards a blissful, intellectual, and an abundant life.
Siddha Guru Atmanandaji, in this CD, reveals the inner engineering and the formation of the divine Hreem-kara within the six chakras of our system.
This CD gives and explicit experience of the divine Hreem-kara formation within us, and makes us forget ourselves in the Dance of Chitti as every single cell in the body vibrate to the tune of Chitti.
Sanmarga Siddha Yantra
Sanmarga Siddha Yantra is the expression of compassion of Siddha Guru Atmananda ji towards community humanity… it is the most potent and divine instrument of supramental healing which carries the grace of the divine master wherever you place it. This yantra contains the divine secret codes of supramental hierarchy masters who dwell in the inaccessible realms of Himalayas and Arunachala.